Sorry for not updating so long! Was messing around with my new semester and something else. My apologise!
Well, I still can't get used to the new semester, don't know what happen to me. Maybe I have more responsibilities, new target in studies and subjects take in this semester are way tougher than last semester as expected >.< Anyway, I have to get used to it as soon as possible because tomorrow already week 3 and assignments are pilling up, presentation......OMG!! I have to be hardworking instead, no more procrastinating, don't think about the stupid stuff that fellow anymore (waste time) and try to avoid the laziness :) The weather here is getting hotter and hotter, really irritating..I have to bath to refresh myself, or else I can't concentrate in my work =/
Sad stories not to mention anymore because I don't want to make myself and you guys to be emo as I realised that we people always emo which is not good for us lol..Well, I have finally give up with that fellow and wanna start a new life. I want happiness and good life, not to ruin it! So, as I know he will not give me what I want anymore and he is so ridiculous and sarcastic. Enough!
I found out that family and friends are most important other than the love. I wanna thanks to my cousin brother, steven who has given me lots of advice and analysed one by one to me! I really appreciate him. Without his words, I think I will not be okay until now. Well, I'm now only know that he want "s" than the heart, even wanna be his friends huh =.= You think I am what? Crazy la you!
Eventually planning to go malacca and visit cousin brother but my dad and auntie don't want so I have no choice, thought can have fun there! >.< It's okay, I will follow him when he is going back to malacca..Hopefully he is driving me there :P Then I have to remember the road so that I can travel down next time hehe^^ Malacca, here I come hahaha....
Will plan it again then! Maybe a penang trip to be added :) then it'll be during my semester break if he is free la...Finally, I found a relative as in cousin who is around my age and we can travel together. Because others all way elder than me, they're working, no same interest and etc...
Alright, have to make a move now! Going out for dinner and will back to my work later =/ will update more soon if my days are happening LOL..