I have not been blogging long time seriously..
I'm feeling my blog quite bored and dull haha..
What have I done for the period?? hmm...
Nothing much I have done actually, it's kind of undescrible LOL
Firstly, I went back to my college on the 5th day of new year..
Was selling books to my ausmat juniors..
It was the greatest deal I ever have..
I was able to sell all my books in one day..Whoa!!!
Thanks juniors, muacks =)
Secondly, I was accepted by Monash University Malaysia campus..
I'm so happy because I'm able to get into a world ranking university (sounds crazy)
I have done with the payments, I'm only have to wait for the time table out & the course advice session which is fall on the 3rd day of CNY LOL =)
However, I got a full offer from Monash University Clayton campus in Melbourne, which I really really want to go to this campus..
Unfortunately, I can't accept this offer because of my family financial problem and cannot support me to overseas..I'm not sad though because I have expected and no offence..The most important is FAMILY haha..
Even I accept it, it's too rush for me..I'm not prepared to go overseas huh..I will cry once I stepped into Aussie haha *embarassed*
Thirdly, I'm feeling stress and tension during working time especially right after Christmas till now..Anyway, I just have to be patient for few more weeks and then I'll start my univeristy study =) excited, yet nervous..
University studies is no longer as easy as primary and secondary..I really gotta work hard for my bright future..
In order to climb up to the world ladder, I'll have to change my method of study.
I will want to get as high score as I can so that I can apply the merit scholarship!!
Soon, I will be starting my career foundation (study). The duration will be around 6 to 8 years to complete as a chartered accountant..The journey is not easy I know =D
Gambatte lol, I'm sure I can do it, I gotta trust myself =)
**Hahaha, I have crabbing a lot here..I'll stop now..Bye =)